If your prescription or referral request payment encounters an issue, this guide is here to assist you. Learn what happens when your card fails, how to track your payment status in HotDoc and how email notifications keep you informed.
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What do I do when my Quick Consult payment fails
When you request a repeat prescription or referral, we pre-authorise the necessary funds for 5 business days. After this period, we release the funds and securely store your payment method. If your request gets approved by the practitioner after this 5-day window and your payment method doesn't have enough funds, your payment might fail.
If your payment fails due to insufficient funds after 5 business days, here's what you need to do:
Check Your Email: You will receive an email notification from HotDoc immediately after the payment fails. This email will ask you to update your payment method in your HotDoc account to proceed with your request.
Update Payment Method: Log in to your HotDoc account and navigate to the 'Appointments' tab for the request labeled 'Prescription/Referral request approved - Payment Required'.
Note: This request may appear under either the Current or History section.
Here, you can update or add a new payment method to complete the transaction.
After selecting or adding a payment method the request in your HotDoc account will change to 'Prescription/Referral request approved' and you will receive a confirmation email confirming payment of your request!