I received an SMS/Email from HotDoc stating I have a health message or result message from my clinic. How do I verify the message isn't spam and what happens when I click the link?
Example of a health SMS |
Example of a results SMS |
Example of a health email |
HotDoc Recalls is a secure service that helps your clinic notify you of a health message/result that may require you to book an appointment with your practitioner. The message is delivered via SMN (secure mobile notification) to the mobile number provided to the clinic, or via email to your email address provided to the clinic.
Click on the links below for more information:
Links sent by HotDoc will always include: - One of these domains:, and - A string of letters and numbers that is unique to the appointment/recall |
How to verify the SMN message is from HotDoc and not a scam?
To confirm the message is from HotDoc and not a scam, you can look at the following:
The link on the message should have one of these domains:
HotDoc will never ask you to click on a link with a different domain.
- The sender of the SMN will come from a shortened version of the name of clinic sending you the health message
How to verify the email message is from HotDoc and not a scam?
To confirm the message is from HotDoc and not a scam, you can look at the following:
The link on the message should have one of these domains:
HotDoc will never ask you to click on a link with a different domain.
- The sender of the email will appear as your clinics name and the email address will be
- The email title will be, "(First name), you have a health/results message from (Clinic name)"
What happens when I click the link?
To view the full message you will need to click on the link and follow the steps below. if you do not own a smart device, you are able to type the link into an internet browser on your computer to view the message.
Once you click on the link, you will see the full name of the clinic, and their contact details:
When you click on the link in the SMN/Email, you will be taken to a secure verification page that looks like either of the below depending on the type of message. You will be asked to input your surname and date of birth to verify your information and ensure we are delivering the message to the right person.
Example of a health message
Example of a result message
Once you correctly enter your surname and DOB, details about your health/result message will be shown, along with any information about how to book an appointment with your clinic for your recall reason.
- In many cases, this may include the ability to book your appointment via HotDoc by clicking the Book Appointment button:
For a results message, you may also see a practitioners comment appear in your message.
Example of a health message
Example of a result message
Example of result message, if your practitioner has left a comment for you