To make a booking at a clinic using HotDoc, you will firstly need to create a HotDoc account. Please read the below guide to learn what you will need and how to create an account with HotDoc.
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What do I need to create an account?
- The email address you register must be unique. If your email address has already been used to create another account, you will see a message to say that the email has 'already been taken'. In this case, you can regain access to this account by resetting the password.
- You must have a working Australian mobile number that will be verified during the sign-up process. This step lets your clinic know that your mobile number is correct and contactable. Please review this article Why do I need a mobile number to register an account? for more information on this.
- Your full name and date of birth entered in HotDoc may need to be matched to your existing record at your practice. To ensure there are no delays in confirming your appointment, please check your full name and DOB are entered correctly.
How to create a HotDoc account
See Booking an appointment for further information.
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